Monday, February 8, 2010

Superbowl Reflections.

As I was watching the Superbowl last night, I followed two Twitter groups curious to see people's reactions of the show. The first one I followed was the #SB44 which was the superbowl's hash tag, which was literally flooded with thousands of people watching the game. The other group I followed, was the nice folks at JHP Advertising, who allowed me to share my advertising thoughts with. As I followed both groups, I was pleased to see Social Media have such a strong force during the game. The commercials however, were an entirely different beast. I wondered a few times if the commercials had forgotten that they were there to sell a product. These thoughts came primarily with the Doritos and Budwiser commercials? The commercials were funny and creative but what did they tell us about the product? The Google Ad I personally loved. I had heard it was going to make an appearance, but I did not know in what fashion. I found the Advertisement to be simple and in a time of over the top jokes and celebrity commercials, it was creative in it's simplicity. A number of ads, I felt really hit the spot. They were both creative and funny, and surprise, they actually tried to sell the product. These include Monster.Com, Career.Com, and Teleflora flowers. Also how I could leave out the Letterman commercial, that literally left me and my roommate stunned. The advertisement was a success and not just for Letterman. I feel that this was a commercial for not just Letterman but Late Night as a whole. Worst Ad: Now I have talked to a few people on Twitter about this, who disagreed and many who have agreed. But my choice for worst commercial is GoDaddy.Com. The shock value of these commercials had already ended, when they first debuted this campaign years ago, and I feel that these commercials are now in just bad taste.

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