Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Where is your Playlist?

"And I wonder, when I sing with you..." I love the Foo Fighters and their music. They are probably in my top ten of favorite musical acts. I love music in general, and consider myself quite the music junkie. Quite simply, music is life. Though it does not mean too, music affects everything we do from that first song we hear when we get up in the morning, to the song that plays on our drive home, after a long day at work. Music can be used for a variety of effects and many times can reflect the consumer, if you are happy play something that reflects your mood, or do the exact opposite and let out your rage listening to a metal band. If you are lonely, listen to something a ballad. Music has a variety of songs and methods to ways to our varying moods. A comicbook writer I use to read about, Devin Grayson(@Nemone1), would make mixtapes of all of her characters laying out the plot beats. If you are unfamiliar with a Mixtape, it's a series of songs that usually are put together for a particular reason and more often than not tell a story. Just like Mrs. Grayson's characters, we all have our own playlists that play in our head, such as breakup songs or songs of rebellion. Music is a people's medium. It came along way before both the TV and the Internet, and it will be with us forever. But just like society which has had to evolve in the last few years in the recent technological boom, so has music. Gone are the bulky Walkman's by Sony and the CD players, that just barely fit in your pockets. In it's place, we now have Ipods and MP3 players, that are barely bigger than any key that we have on our key chain. The day of the CD is at an end. CD sales have been on the decline for the last few years, and in it's place has been the rise of music purchasing sites such as Itunes, Amazon and even Wal-Mart. The future of music is in online services such as Itunes and Pandora(Pandora.Com), that offer playlists on the go. No longer are we confined, to a radio in a car, or having to carry a bulky player. We can now take our music anywhere we go and traveled with us it has, as even Cellphones are now adding music playing as a standard application. Your playlist now seems to follow you wherever you go. Want an idea of where the technology is going the next few years? Watch the music world, because just as Napster was the beginning of user paid content on the Internet, the music world can boldly predict where technology will be the next few years. It was the first on-the-go technology and it was the first to truly take use of the Internet. Music is no longer that device you listen to in your car, it has definitely evolved into something else. Listening to music anywhere these days is as easy as hitting a play button.

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