Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Why we should not be upset at Rich Johnston.

It's Monday night...I am writing this half asleep, the hour change definitly affected me a lot more than I would of liked. As soon as I put my labtop down I am going straight back to reading the Criminal Omnibus by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips. Now, the reason why I am bringing Criminal up, is because of the story of how I got it. If you are not familiar by now Amazon had a colossal blunder last week on March 7th. They horribly marked down a ton of omnibuses'(imagine a graphic novel double sized and similar to a Blu-Ray disc, as it is packed with tons of extras), from fifty to sixty dollars down to fourteen or eight dollars. I was in awe when I first heard the news and immediately added three of the books to my cart and checked them out. I mean why not? Nobody knew the true reasoning behind this. Was it an Error? Was it a promotion that we were not quite aware of? Who knew? I just knew that tons of books I wanted were on sale. Eventually however, I got the dreaded letter from Amazon saying that I would not be receiving the items I ordered due to a pricing error that caused the books to be sold out, and that they would refund me my money. So out of the three books I ordered, I had one of them sent to me instead(The Criminal Omnibus). A few days later, I even got a twenty five dollar credit from Amazon due to the problem that this caused, which I used to buy two trade paperbacks. So for those counting at home, I got three books for around sixteen dollars that had a seventy dollar retail value. Now if you are unfamiliar with the man who broke this story, Rich Johnston(@RichJohnston) he is the creator/head-honcho of BleedingCool.Com, a blogsite devoted to Comicbook content. Well Rich caught a lot of slack due to this event. Many people calling for his head and the such, but I want to do the opposite. I want to applaud Rich Johnson. If a friend of mine had called me up and told me the same thing, I would applaud him as well, but with Social Media that friend was replaced with Rich Johnson. Rich did what anybody would of done last week. He simply found a huge gaping error and told people about it. Was it his fault that he has become a public figure and has 4,000 followers on Twitter! Social Media has become such a prominent powerhouse in communication that people fail to realize just how fast a message can go from a secret to a full blown story. Look at what happened with Kevin Smith and the Airline fiasco! So in closing I just want to tell Mr. Rich Johnston thank you again for the free comics from comic fans everywhere. Again, Keep up the good work and the journalism, from a fan who has followed you from your Lying in the Gutter days at ComicbookResources.com, I appreciate it.


  1. I wish I could take full credit. But when I posted, Mark Waid had already tweeted it and he's a much bigger comics figure.

    As a result hardly anyone got Omnibuses who went through me (though a few people like yourself - and like myself - got Deluxe Crimanal collections)

  2. So we have Waid to thank for this?
    Either way...to me and probably a few thousand others we only heard about this from you, and this became a national story because of you.
    If not for you guys this would have just been another Amazon slip up, but instead I'm hearing about Amazon's mistake on NPR here in the states and this looks to have some ramifications that might affect Amazon and Diamond's relationship for the time being.
