Thursday, April 15, 2010

Myspace or Deadspace. What do you call it these days?

What do you use your Social Media accounts for? I know why I use mine. I use Twitter because I have found it to be the ultimate tool to follow my fellow Social Media collages. I mainly use Facebook to keep up with my perspective friends and family throughout the country. I use Foursquare, well, as a game and to brag to my friends about my mayorships. But out of all of the Social Media accounts I have, I am left wondering why do I use Myspace? What do I use it for?
As I was pondering this question, I recently sent out an online message, through Tweetdeck(, asking if anybody still used Myspace and somebody responding back with, "I'm actually deleting my account tomorrow." Wow, I had thought? Is this what Myspace has become, Deadspace?
To know the future of the product we have to know the past. Myspace was one of the first social media tools that captured everybody's attention. It had a fairly simple user interface that was geared toward content creation by editing your personal page, or your "myspace page" to your personal preference. You could change your color, layout, and avatar. You could even add music and videos to your Myspace page, to make it even more individual.
However Myspace did fail at one thing and that was communication. Despite the fact that people did enjoy the customization of the pages, the application failed in the exact reason that people were using it for. Sure people liked the customization of it, but they were there to talk to their friends and family, not to customize their page. So when Facebook became open to the public, shortly after 2008(after being strictly restricted to college kids) Myspace failed. Many people soon jumped ship and found the user interface of Facebook much easier as a communication device than Myspace.
Though Myspace has done a little bit to become more streamlined and become similar to Facebook it is still falling behind. Where does this leave it? I doubt it's ever going to become a dominant engine for social media such as Facebook or Twitter, or regain any of the steam it had in those early days. Myspace might be a dying application, but it still has many features it can capitalize on. One feature in particular that I believe is vital to Myspace's success is it's ability to integrate music and video into it's pages.
Myspace is the only Social networking site that allows users to add both music and video to their profiles. Through Myspace you can create your own song list and share it with friends or upload your videos and share them with other people. I have come to the conclusion that I am making Myspace my own personal music page, filled with songs I can jam out too in one afternoon, because that is all Myspace has going for it. It's film and it's music. It has to capitalize on this, or it might as well call itself Deadspace.
*Feel free to add me on Myspace and check out my music list I have created.

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