Monday, April 19, 2010

Why it's important to get your fan on, in the Social Media scene.

Are you a fan of anything in life? Do you have a favorite sports team? Do you have a favorite restaurant? Do you have a political affiliation? At any set point in life, you have your own morals and rules you live by, you are obviously a fan of something. Well are you a fan of anything in the Social Media world. Are you a fan on Facebook? Are you a Twitter follower? If not, why are missing quite a lot.
For those of you that do not know, I have worked on my share of Social Media accounts in the past and I currently manage a local Restaurant's Fan Page (McKinley's Restaurant and Pub, look it up?). It started one night when I was at the bar talking to the owner's daughter. "This place, needs a Facebook page." I had commented. "Yes," it does she responded back dreary, and so that was how Mckinley's fanpage was born. But why a fanpage? In general why do companies need fan pages? Or social media accounts in general, you might ask?
Well McKinley's needs a fanpage for it's fans. I manage the page, but I have not been there in over two months. Despite my effort and the money in my checking account, I have not been able to go McKinley's as of late, however no one would ever know this because I can tell you about all of the bands that have played there and the events that they have had. Why? Because of Social Media.
Fanpages and Social Media in general are another way to reach out to our clients and their fans. The best way to think about this process is imagining the reason you use social media. You use it to reach out to your friends. Can a company not do the same? They can tell you about all of the hot deals and sales that they have going on. They can tell you about the event that is happening next Wednesday, but most of all they get you talking and thinking about them.
Once that little worm has slipped into your brain it's hard to forget it. In McKinley's case, you wanted to go out Saturday and you just saw Rexasaurus is playing that same night. Coincidence? I think not.
In a world of youtube, and attention spans getting even smaller, their's nothing wrong with being a fan of a particular event or sport. Heck, they might even teach you a thing or two. So do not feel wrong about getting your fan on and becoming a fan of a particular page, it might just prove to be beneficial after all.

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