Saturday, April 24, 2010

Why and how to like something, the Facebook way.

What do you like?
I ask you this, because Facebook is rolling out a universal like button, that will allow you to like almost any article that you find on the Internet. If you have not heard anything about it feel free to visit this article at PC WORLD where they break down this new application a bit. The whole point of this new universal omniscient like button, is to allow you to LIKE any article and share it at ease, with your friends.
Now I am not quite sure all of the reasonings behind this button, but do we really need this? I mean do we really? People tend to forget about the invasion of privacy that many of these websites tend to have over us. True they are not stealing your credit card, but they are stealing your browsing history and this like button will be able to do the same. Do we really want Facebook and everyone to know where we went? Our privacy on the Internet is shattered now as it is, but do we really need everyone going on to the Internet and being able to follow our every move through Facebook.
I have already visited TIME which already uses the service and has the LIKE button on many of it's articles. I visited a few stories to experiment with this new feature and I found no real reason on why I should LIKE the story. I did play around with this new button however and you can simply LIKE a story or comment on it and send it to all of your Facebook followers.
Many people will click on this new feature, just to be a part of the in crowd, but these people need to remember that every click has a reaction, though we do not always see that reaction. This clicking on the LIKE button will store that information and place it somewhere, though that destination is not quite known at this point. Though Facebook currently says it will not give that information to Advertisers, that information is there to be sold and used. Only time will tell,what will happen with the LIKE button so in the meantime be careful on what you like, because it might come back to bite you.

1 comment:

  1. Is anything private anymore. I say this bc of message board posting I got a text message looking for a roomate. Nothing to me is shocking anymore. Everything is open online. Sure you can't see mannerisms and tone but everything else is just a click a way. Your phone numbers not on facebook? I bet I can find it online and with this eventually I'll be able to see every website you go to. Looking up porn and trying ti bide it I bet I can find it from my computer soon enough.
    On a business stand point good job for facebook. I wouldn't be surprised to see more geocentric ads(they have been working on this for a while) and catered ads to your interests which brings more money from companys to facebook.
    I didn't even mention how this might increase and change what they call online bullying laws
