Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Dancing in the Rain, a love story to my sons.

The following is a sample of my father’s book that was published in 2005, “Dancing in the Rain, A Love story”. I found a copy of it doing some cleaning, late last night. If interested you can find a copy of it at Amazon.Com for a mere 12.95, or just feel free to contact me. The beginning of the book is addressed to me and my brother, so if anything, I thought I would give it a free plug.

Turning into Angela’s driveway, Charles quickly recapped the last several days. None of them had been anywhere near as heartbreaking as he had originally expected. The day before he left New York he had actually dreaded the trip back to North Carolina. He had thought about the turmoil that would be playing out in his every thought but as the old saying goes, nothing is ever as one expects it to be. Even the drive back up to New York had been much quicker than he originally thought it would be and fortunately, he thought, with fewer thoughts of what he was leaving than he expected. There were times, as he knew there would always be, that he thought of his children but throughout most of the drive his thoughts had been of Angela and how totally at peace with himself she made him feel. He thought back a few days to when he first met her and still could not believe how any one person could make another feel the way she made him feel. And this was only the beginning, he said to himself as he knocked on the door to begin his new life. Only now registering in his mind, Charles noticed the absence of her car as he knocked again. He also saw the dimness of a single light through the living room drapes, something he thought unusual considering it was getting late and the sun had been down for a couple of hours. Maybe he should of called her and told her approximately when he would get back, he thought, as he dug into his pocket for the spare key she had given him. Oh well, she was probably gone to the store, he thought, as he slide the key into the lock and opened the door. “Hello? Angela, Sam?” he said, as he entered the house. Not hearing a sound he walked up the few steps, turned into the kitchen and turned on the light. Now that he could see better he began to walk the short distance to the sink to turn off the small florescent light she had also left on, all the while looking for a possible note from her informing him of where she was. He was looking more out of habit since it had been something he and Charlotte had always done to explain their absences. As he reached for the switch by the sink he saw it, the envelope addressed to him and beside it was a small gift-wrapped box. With a sigh of relief, as well as anticipation, he hurriedly opened the envelope and began reading until his legs began to shake and he had to sit down. Walking the short distance from the kitchen to the table where they had shared their meals, he began at the top of the letter again.

Again you can find it on Amazon.Com or just send me a tweet. It’s a love story, along the lines of Nicholas Sparks(A Walk to Remember) and Robert James Waller(Bridges of Madison County).

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