Thursday, May 27, 2010

Why no Social Media plan, does not make it a Good Plan.

If you do not get Social Media at this point YOU ARE AN IDIOT.  There I said it.  As most of you know, I am at a giant turning point in my life where I am looking for a full time position in the Marketing world, preferable in Social Media.

I love it and I get it!  Yes, I don't have 20,000 thousand readers for my blog, but that's not the point.  My blog is for me to rant and rave about Social Media and the occasional episode of Lost.  I do not want to make money at it.  I am not Chris Brogan or Amber least not yet.

But the amount of followers that I have should not stop you from hiring me, because apparently I have a stronger presence than some of you out there.  As I have been planning my next grand adventure of what to do next, post my current Internship, I've been reaching out to Ad agencies both small and large, and I have been DUMB FOUNDED by the number of agencies/companies that do not have any social media links anywhere on their webpage or a social media presence of any kind.

Do these people not realize how many early adopters there are out there!  Do these people not realize that Foursquare is gaining 15 thousand users a month!  Do they not realize that Facebook has gained 10 million active users since April 21st  and despite recent backlash they do not seem to be slowing down!

As an Advertiser/Marketer you have to follow your audience, no matter where they are, if it's down the dark hallway of Twitter or the hip check-in's of Foursquare.  YOU HAVE TO FOLLOW THEM!  You have to understand that kids these days are growing up with this technology and they cannot imagine a future without it.  So it's best to target this medium now!

So I'm not asking you to hire me to fix your problem, but for crying out loud, just adopt a Social Media plan because if you don't YOU ARE AN IDIOT!


  1. Agreed. It's amazing how many companies have not adopted the "newage" free advertising that comes along with social networking. Maybe one day cole, maybe one day....

  2. Well it's as the great Amber Naslund once said, "just because you do not spend money, does not mean it's free, you have to spend hours of hard work to make it right.
