Monday, May 17, 2010

With Lost over, I am now Lost.

So after tomorrow night, there will be only be one episode left of Lost, which means the end of the Oceanic Flight 815's journey and also the freedom of my Tuesday nights once again.

There are few shows that have captivated me in the last five years like Lost.  I am not an avid TV watcher to begin with, but I have given a few shows a chance such as the Mentalist, The Unusuals, Dark Blue, and Pushing Daisies.  But none of these shows have filled with the same wonder as Lost.  None of the shows filled me with the same wonder and awe that Lost has, so I am left wondering what show will fill this gaping void that is now in my life.

Breaking Bad(AMC) - A show that I've told myself numerous times that I would watch.  I even have a sister who watches this show religiously, but have not been able to make myself to sit down and watch it.  The story centers around a Science teacher turned drug dealer and if that does not remind you of your high school days something is completely wrong.

The Wire(HBO) - Yes, the show is off the air and despite winning thousands of awards, I have still never watched a single episode of it.  I love shows that do not pull any punches and from what I understand this is the show to watch if you want the see true dirty underworld of the streets.

Dexter (Showtime) - A show my friends give me hell about every season for not watching.  I watched the first season in the span of a week and was truly captivated by Michael C Hall's scary performance of a forensics agent with a deadly secret, however, I was deeply worried that after the first season of the show, that the premise would get repetitive and dull, but I keep hearing good
 things about it.

Mad Men(AMC) - A character piece at it's best.  The story of an Advertising Agency in the 70s truly captivates me and though I know nothing else about the show beyond it's location, I am still intrigued by it.  I really want to watch the first season of this show, just to see what it is all about.

Walking Dead(AMC) - The one show I am looking forward to the most this fall season.  This is not a truly episodic show but instead a mini-series.  Though, word is if it succeeds it will turn into a weekly.  If you are unfamiliar with the Walking Dead, it's based on a Comic book series by Robert Kirkman.  Walking Dead tells the story of Rick Grimes who tries to survive a Zombie Apocalypse.  AMC + Zombies = You have me hooked.

If you have not heard of any of these shows, something's apparently wrong or like me you are a Lost zombie.

Now that I have listed the shows I look forward to spending my free time with, is there anything I missed and what are you looking forward to watching now that Lost is over?   Leave a comment below.

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